Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ebony and Miro Lieben Sie Tobago

Ebony and Miro are a really excellent couple and their wedding was just as lovely.

The Venue Canoe Bay Tobago, kinda bumpy to get there but once you're there its worth it. The wedding was on the shore of Canoe Bay and the weather was great.

Well I got to Tobago the day before the wedding and they had a cocktail shindig for their families. So everyone was breaking it down on the dance floor and boy did I see some moves.

Abigail did this wedding with me so I had to pick her up at the airport and the plan was to take her to meet Ebony and Miro and get back to the guest house and change to be ready in time for the wedding.

Let's just say that didn't exactly happen that way and I ended up in the wedding with my jeans and a polo on, dirty sneakers and uncombed hair and to top it all off when I was taking portraits I tripped on a rock walking backwards and fell in the water. Of course you know a photographers reaction to a fall...hands or more specifically, camera in the air. I recovered quickly though, actually I jumped right back up and said "let's go" even though at that point my foot was lancing in pain, It was like Murphy's law in effect i tell ya! But hey, the show must go on. So I acted like I was on an episode of "IRON PHOTOG".

On the bright side my jeans were now wet and sandy so I had a reason to change them, YAY! The clothes came in handy after all.

After that things went smoothly (thank goodness!).

Here are some pics.

Break dancing at the cocktail of the many moves on the night.

Ebony on the balcony of the villa before leaving for the ceremony.

She floated down those stairs believe me...

Oh the Anticipation!

A little sunset stroll never hurt the photos...

OK now for a "laginappe" as we say here in Trinidad, well all of my faithful blog readers may know that I have been training the multitalented Abigail Liverpool over the past few months and trust me she has been taking to the thing like a Trini to a parking space in Trincity Mall on Saturday Afternoon. She did really well in Tobago and I'm happy to show a couple of her shots.

Just to prove I was there...

Same stair shot but different approach and angle...beautiful

Good eye to see this...That hat just stands out

Well done Abby!


Unknown said...

I have to agree... great job abby. Juma you sticking on the galleries eh. :D

Unknown said...

Oh Gosh Terri girl...doing some site upgrades as well, trying to get them all done at the same time...soon come :-)

Pink said...

Yeah i have to agree with Terri you realllllllllll sticking !!!!!

But Abby have talent !!!!

Unknown said...

Abby is quite talented, she actually flows in both academic and arts and does both well, not everyone can do that, not even I flow strongly in academic, I'm more 'artsy', creative and technical.

And why allyuh double teamin me :-( ?

Unknown said...

Nah man Juma, Dont take it too hard. You know us bridezilla types... always want to see more. especially when the work is so good :P

Unknown said...

LOL...I ok Terri, nice to have the support girlies keep up the good work :-)