Friday, December 14, 2007

Young Creative Bannister Talent

My sister just completed her stint at YTEPP (Youth Training & Entrepreneurship Partnership Programme) in Graphic Design.


Most of what they did is basic design stuff, all in a hands on fine art fashion (No pixels here!) I went to their open day and saw much interesting pieces including, a choice few by my super sibling!

This is how I started off in design right out of school and I didn't turn out so bad :-) so I know the value of the experience, even though I now snicker when I see their poster designs (snick, snick). Its all good that Nessy (Janessa) and the rest of the class can express raw, budding creative talent.

I'd love to see what happens in a few years

Nessy and her favorite project - Hope she has the cash to pay copyright royalties ;-)

Nessy and her teacher Mr. Huggins, hopefully this was not her attitude during the course. (A genuine moment captured)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Shine Ruby Shine

Ok folks,

Just have enough time to post some of the Tobago shoot family pics. Couple gallery coming soon. Hey Debbie, Mick and Lee Ann and not to mention the Rubster! Ruby was without a doubt the star of this shoot as you will see from some of the sample pics below (Sorry Debs and Mick!)

She's just beyond cute!

There she is.

Ruby making a break for it.

A little family fun.